Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Vegan Passover

Vegan Seder Plate Alternatives
Tofu cut into an egg shape - If not including kitiniyot this works for me!
Deviled Tofu Eggs
Colleen Patrick-Goudreau suggests "replace the egg, a symbol of fertility and new creation, with a flower or roasted nuts. Some even use a miniature white egg-sized eggplant, whose stem has been removed."

A ripe beet - the colour can relate to blood & sacrifice
A soya & bamboo veggie drumstick
Ribz from Sol Cuisine
While I'm at it, why not use any wheat-free mock meat?

From Haggadah for the Vegetarian Family - "As vegetarians, in place of the shankbone, we place olives, grapes, and grains of unfermented barley, which symbolize the commandments of compassion for the oppressed, to be found in the Bible". I love that they say compassion is the greatest mitzvah!

In order to remain spiritually inclined on Passover we refrain from eating Chametz - Chametz is a product that is made from one of five types of grains, and has been combined with water and left to stand for longer than eighteen minutes without being baked. The Talmud identifies these grains as wheat, barley, spelt, rye, oats. Since I'm gluten intolerant this is just another day for me!

What about Quinoa and tofu?
Ashkenazi Jews also refrain from kitniyot which translates as "small things", meaning other grains and legumes. Kitniyot varies but generally includes rice, corn, lentils, and beans, sometimes peanuts. Most Sephardi Jews do not observe this. I will be double checking with my family before making some rice flour desserts & possibly this vegan and gluten-free Passover brownie recipe.

*edit* - The fam says no to rice, so I will be using quinoa flour to make some desserts. My aunt directed me to Ask Moses which is just awesome, and you should add yourself as a fan on the Facebook!

Because I'm already gluten-free and know that kitniyot can be made into chametz, I feel a little bit like I'm cheating! This article says quinoa was never indluded in kitniyot because it is technically a grass. However Wiki says it is "a grain-like crop grown primarily for its edible seeds. It is a pseudocereal rather than a true cereal, or grain, as it is not a grass" and I have always known it to be an ancient grain. I found that this article put it this info simply.

Here are some new recipes I plan on trying:
Leek and Matzo Burgers - Substitute 1 egg for 1 Tbs flax seeds plus 3 Tbs water.

Stuffed Keishke and Veg Nut Loaf

Sweet Potato Kugel

Vegan Matzo Balls

Russian Potato and Mushroom Croquettes - I feel obligated as a Russian, hah! Plus check out the Chopped Liver recipe. My aunt made this once and I found it came super close to the traditional livers I ate as a kid. Yum... Though I must warn you: the longer you leave it in the fridge, the more "meaty" it tastes. If you're nauseous and pms'n, do not take a whiff as you may be compelled to run screaming! True story.

Matzo Brie Pancakes- all these new recipes are going to give me a gluten-ache! Must try though.

Classic Charoset

My veganized version of a Passover Mac n' Cheese recipe:

* 3 cups matzah farfel
* 1/2 lb (8 oz) cheddar cheese - I recommend Sheese or Teese for this.
* 6 Tbsp. melted Earth Balance in place of butter.
* 3 eggs, beaten - 1 Tablespoon flax seeds plus 3 Tablespoons water replaces one egg.
* 1/4 tsp. salt
* 1/4 tsp. pepper
* 2 cups soy or almond milk.

Mix and bake for 45 mins at 350.

Good link source for recipes & an article about Passover & vegetarianism

Check out Jewcy's tips for having eco-friendly or interfaith seders, amongst other great seder ideas & stay tuned to see how my Vegan Passover attempts turn out next week! <3

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